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¿Qué es el TPMS o control de presión de neumáticos?

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¿Qué es el TPMS o control de presión de neumáticos?
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¿Qué es el TPMS o control de presión de neumáticos? - Castalia Neumaticos

A number of challenges were overcome in the transition to flexography, for a job previously gravure-printed in India. The use of matte varnish and the need for a higher opacity white pass placed a constraint on the number of colours available but smart substitutions and technical know-how allowed production in eight colours, compared with nine-colour gravure. The winning entry was very much a team effort. In addition, the flat-top flexo plate is combined with a special, textured surface to eliminate the need for surface screening while ensuring even ink laydown and increased solid ink density with smooth, homogenous solids, uniform vignettes and soft fade-outs. Another colour factor that came into play was the strong white required to replicate gravure-quality print.

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